Artunio connects everyone who loves art and culture.

A new independent social network and digital tool for building an audience, gaining opportunities, and discovering the world of art and culture.

On Artunio you can find:

Only valuable artistic and cultural content

Would you like a social network where you find only artistic and cultural content? If so, then Artunio is for you!

  • Only artistic and cultural content

  • For all genres, artists, and organizations

  • No restrictive algorithms

A community that cares about the arts

The entire social network is designed to connect people from the world of art and culture under one roof. Here you can find:

  • Various cultural and artistic organizations

  • Festivals of all genres

  • Artists and their creations

  • Artistic groups, ensembles, and bands

  • Fans, viewers, and visitors in one collective audience

Access to our Creative Europe Projects

Find efficient ways to fund your festivals or events with Artunio Festivals through European funding.

  • We plan to realize numerous projects under Creative Europe

  • Receive financial support and other benefits through funding

  • Be informed about actual funding opportunities

Opportunities to perform at events and festivals

Showcase your work to organizations and festivals through Artunio and perform at their events and festivals.

  • Professional profile for artists, ensembles, or bands

  • Opportunity to present yourself to organizations and festivals

  • Organizations and festivals from abroad

Joshua Milo

Musician, Performer - Germany

I’ve tried Artunio before the app was even launched, and it has helped me and my band get gigs we wouldn’t have performed otherwise.

If you’re a solo musician, in a band, or even part of an orchestra, whether you’re starting out or already established, you should definitely check it out.

What artist say about us: