Privacy policy


  1. Všeobecné informácie

Totožnosť a kontaktné údaje Prevádzkovateľa
Za ochranu osobných údajov je zodpovedná spoločnosť Unchained Studios s. r. o. so sídlom Oravská Jasenica 256,029 64, Slovenská republika  IČO: 52140989, DIČ: 2120914730, IČ DPH: SK2120914730 – 7a zapísaná v obchodnom registri Okresného súdu Žilina, Oddiel: Sro, Vložka číslo: 71492/L, telefón: +421 917074325 e-mail: (ďalej len „Prevádzkovateľ“), ktorá je prevádzkovateľom internetového portálu

Kontaktné údaje zodpovednej osoby Prevádzkovateľa
E-mail:  [ ]
Adresa:  Timotej Vráb, Oravská Jasenica 256, 029 64 Oravská Jasenica

Viac informácií o využívaní Vašich cookies našou spoločnosťou
Čo sú cookies?

Súbory cookies sú malé textové súbory, ktoré môžu byť do internetového prehliadača odosielané pri návšteve webových stránok a ukladané do Vášho zariadenia (počítača alebo do iného zariadenia s prístupom na internet, ako napr. smartphone alebo tablet). Súbory cookies sa ukladajú do priečinka pre súbory Vášho prehliadača. Cookies obvykle obsahujú názov webovej stránky, z ktorej pochádzajú, ich platnosť a hodnotu. Pri ďalšej návšteve stránky webový prehliadač znovu načíta súbory cookies a tieto informácie odošle späť webovej stránke, ktorá pôvodne cookies vytvorila. Súbory „cookies“, ktoré používame, nepoškodzujú Váš počítač.

Prečo používame cookies?

Cookies nám umožňujú pamätať si Vaše preferencie a úkony (napríklad prihlasovacie údaje, údaje o Vašej objednávke v nákupnom košíku). Používame ich s cieľom optimálne vytvárať a neustále skvalitňovať naše služby, prispôsobiť ich Vašim záujmom a potrebám a zlepšovať ich štruktúru a obsah. Na stránke môžu byť použité dočasné a trvalé cookies.

Cookies sú na stránke použité za účelom:

  1. fungovania webových stránok, merania návštevnosti webových stránok a vytvárania štatistík týkajúcich sa návštevnosti a správania návštevníkov na webových stránkach,
  2. prispôsobenia reklamy na mieru a jej zacielenie, ak ste na to udelili súhlas; jedná sa o tzv. automatizované profilovanie v rámci ktorého analyzujeme Vaše bežné osobné údaje a aktivity v online prostredí, na základe čoho Vám môžeme poskytnúť informácie, ktoré sú pre Vás zaujímavé a relevantné,
  3. retargeting, ak ste na to udelili súhlas.

Zber cookies na účely uvedené v písm. a) nemožno považovať za spracovanie osobných údajov, nakoľko tieto cookies sú posudzované v podobe hromadného celku a tým pádom v anonymnej podobe, ktorá neumožňuje identifikáciu jednotlivca.

Zber cookies na účely podľa písm. b) a písm. c) možno považovať za spracovanie osobných údajov, nakoľko sú spracované pre účely prispôsobenia a zacielenia reklamy a pre retargeting. Tieto osobné údaje sú spracovávané na základe Vášho súhlasu, resp. na základe nastavenia Vášho webového prehliadača. Súhlas udeľujete na dobu, ktorá je uvedená v tabuľke nižšie. Súhlas so zbieraním údajov súborov cookies pre marketingové účely možno vziať kedykoľvek späť, a to pomocou zmeny nastavenia príslušného internetového prehliadača.

Druhy cookies, ktoré používame:

  1. Základné umožňujú používanie základných funkcií ako napríklad prihlásenie registrovaného používateľa alebo predvypĺňanie formulárov. Ak tieto cookies zakážete, nemôžeme garantovať plnú funkčnosť našich stránok.
  2. Prevádzkové slúžia na analýzu správania návštevníka na webovej stránke a následne na zlepšovanie jej funkčnosti a vzhľadu. Ak tieto cookies zakážete, nemôžeme garantovať plnú funkčnosť našich stránok.
  3. Reklamné slúžia na optimalizáciu zobrazovanej reklamy vzhľadom na zvyklosti návštevníka a efektívnosť marketingovej komunikácie zadávateľov. Vďaka nim sa Vám napríklad nebude zbytočne často zobrazovať reklama z oblasti, o ktorú nemáte záujem. Tento druh cookies môžete kedykoľvek zablokovať alebo odstrániť úpravou nastavenia súborov cookie vo Vašom prehliadači (Návod na ich zablokovanie nájdete nižšie).
  4. Cookies tretích strán vytvárajú a využívajú poskytovatelia služieb ako Google Analytics, Google Ads (predtým ako Google AdWords), alebo Facebook. Tieto služby sú integrované do našich stránok, pretože ich považujeme za užitočné a plne bezpečné. V prípade takéhoto prepojenia a integrovania obsahu z iných webových stránok môžu byť počas používania našich webových stránok vytvorené súbory cookies, ktoré nepodliehajú našej kontrole v pozícií Prevádzkovateľa. Ak chcete vedieť, ako tieto tretie strany používajú súbory cookies, prečítajte si zásady ochrany súkromia a zásady používania súborov cookies týchto služieb.

Na svojich webových stránkach spracovávame nižšie uvedené súbory cookies s uvedenými účelmi a dobou spracovania:

Základné, prevádzkové cookies

NázovÚčelMaximálna doba spracovania
Google AnalyticsZískanie štatistických informácií pre bežnú analýzu prevádzky na webe a jeho zlepšovaniepodľa nastavenia, resp. spôsobu využitia internetového prehliadača

Reklamné cookies

NázovÚčelMaximálna doba spracovania
Google AnalyticsIdentifikácia v rámci reklamnej siete spoločnosti Google (profilovanie)podľa nastavenia, resp. spôsobu využitia internetového prehliadača
Google AdsIdentifikácia v rámci reklamnej siete spoločnosti Google, opätovné zacielenie reklamy (retargeting)540 dní
Facebook pixelIdentifikácia v rámci reklamnej siete spoločnosti Facebook, opätovné zacielenie reklamy (retargeting)180 dní
InstagramIdentifikácia v rámci reklamnej siete spoločnosti Instagram, opätovné zacielenie reklamy (retargeting)180 dní
HotjarNástroj na zaznamenávanie aktivity návštevníkov webu, za účelom zlepšenia fungovania stránky.180 dní

Nastavenie cookies:

Webové prehliadače (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome a pod.) podporujú správu cookies. V rámci nastavení webového prehliadača môžete jednotlivé cookies ručne vymazať, blokovať alebo úplne zakázať ich použitie, prípadne ich blokovať alebo povoliť len pre jednotlivé internetové stránky. V takom prípade však nemôžeme zaručiť, že si všetky oblasti našich stránok zachovajú určenú funkciu.

Návod pre  blokovanie a vymazanie cookies z najčastejšie používaných prehliadačov:

Väčšina internetových prehliadačov je pôvodne nastavená na automatické akceptovanie cookies. V prípade, ak nechcete využívať cookies, toto nastavenie môžete zmeniť zablokovaním cookies alebo upozornením v prípade, že sa majú cookies poslať do Vášho zariadenia. Ak používate rozličné zariadenia na prístup k stránkam (napr. počítač, smartphone, tablet), odporúčame každý prehliadač na každom zariadení prispôsobiť Vašim preferenciám cookies.

Cookies  môžete v prehliadači odstrániť jednotlivo alebo všetky naraz a to buď priamo (ak viete kde sú uložené) alebo pomocou prehliadača.

Jednotlivé návody nájde na adrese:

  1. Mozilla:
  2. Chrome:
  3. Explorer:
  4. Opera:
  5. Safari:

Zabezpečenie údajov

Našu webovú stránku chránime prostredníctvom protokolu SSL (Secure Socket Layer), ktorý zabezpečuje šifrovaný prenos dát a overovanie ich autenticity, čím predchádzame ich zneužitiu.

Pravidelne aktualizujeme všetky používané programy a riešenia. Priebežne prijímame technické a organizačné bezpečnostné opatrenia tak, aby sme čo možno najkomplexnejšie chránili vaše údaje pred neželaným prístupom tretích osôb.

Aké sú Vaše práva?

Právo na prístup k údajom –máte právo vedieť o spracúvaní Vašich osobných údajov a či Vaše osobné údaje spracúvame.
Právo na opravu – máte právo na opravu chybne spracúvaných osobných údajov.
Právo na vymazanie – máte právo na vymazanie Vašich osobných údajov, pokiaľ je toto vymazanie možné (o.i. ak už Vaše údaje nepotrebujeme, odvoláte súhlas, spracúvame Vaše údaje nezákonne a pod.)
Právo na obmedzenie spracúvania –  máte právo obmedziť na čas spracúvanie Vašich osobných údajov, pokiaľ bude Vaša žiadosť napr. o opravu, o výmaz a pod. spracúvaná.
Právo namietať –  máte právo namietať ak Vaše osobné údaje sú spracúvané na základe oprávneného záujmu, napr. v prípade priameho marketingu.
Právo na prenosnosť osobných údajov – ak je to možné, máte právo na prenosnosť údajov (právo získať údaje v štruktúrovanom, bežne používanom, strojovo čitateľnom formáte a právo preniesť ich k inému prevádzkovateľovi),
Právo odvolať svoj súhlas – ak spracúvame Vaše osobné údaje na základe Vášho súhlasu, máte právo kedykoľvek odvolať svoj súhlas so spracúvaním osobných údajov, a to v prípade cookies nastavením Vášho prehliadača.
Právo podať návrh na konanie o ochrane osobných údajov – máte právo podať na Úrad na ochranu osobných údajov návrh na konanie o ochrane osobných údajov podľa ust. § 100 a nasl. Zákona o ochrane osobných údajov.
Ako môžete tieto práva uplatniť?

Môžete nás kontaktovať emailom na adrese: [ ], poštou na adresu našej spoločnosti: [Unchained Studios s. r. o., so sídlom Oravská Jasenica 256, 029 64 Oravská Jasenica, Slovenská republika].

Privacy policy


The protection of your personal data is important to us and therefore we process it in accordance with applicable legislation – Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of individuals regarding the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (hereinafter referred to as “GDPR”) and relevant legislation.

We only process your personal data in a lawful, professional and sensitive manner. Your personal data is stored in a secure information system. All persons who come into contact with your personal data on our part are adequately informed about its legal treatment and are bound by confidentiality.


I. Basic terms

As a social network operator on the website (hereinafter referred to as “Artunio”), the “Controller” is responsible for the protection of personal data:

Title: Unchained Studios s. r. o.

Registered office: Oravská Jasenica 256,029 64 Slovakia

Business ID: 52140989

Tax ID: 2120914730

VAT registration number: SK2120914730 – 7a

Registered: in the Business register register of the District Žilina,n. 71492/L,

Represented by: Timotej Vrab

phone: +421 917074325


“GDPR person” is a person supervising compliance with the principles and conditions of personal data protection by the Operator: Name and surname: Timotej Vráb, contact:, +421 917 074 325.

“Controller” means the natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data; where the purposes and means of such processing are determined by Union or Member State law, the controller or the specific criteria for its nomination may be provided for by Union or Member State law;

“Personal data” means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (‘data subject’); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.

“Processing“ means any operation or set of operations which is performed on personal data or on sets of personal data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, conaion, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction.

“Restriction of processing“ means the marking of stored personal data with the aim of limiting its processing in the future;

“The data subject” is a natural person whose personal data is processed by the Operator, for example you too as a user of Artunio services.

“Profiling“ means any form of automated processing of personal data consisting of the use of personal data to evaluate certain personal aspects relating to a natural person, in particular to analyse or predict aspects concerning that natural person’s performance at work, economic situation, health, personal preferences, interests, reliability, behaviour, location or movements.

“Purpose of personal data processing“ is a basic condition for any collection of personal data. The Operator may collect personal data of the concerned person only for a defined purpose and of defined extent.

The “Legal basis” is the basic condition for the processing of personal data in accordance with the Regulation. The Operator must have a legal basis in accordance with the Regulation for each operation with personal data.

“Duration of the processing” is a basic condition for compliance with the principle of minimizing processing period and concerns the retention of the personal data of the concerned person only for the time necessary for each individual purpose. The operator is obliged to process the personal data of the concerned person only for the specified processing time.

II.Purpose, legal basis and processing time of personal data

Purpose: communication with a potential user – in the form of sending newsletters, e-mail messages, etc. We process your data to improve our services and to implement the Artunio project.

Data: current personal data, e.g. title, name, surname, e-mail address, content of communication,

Legal basis: consent, We process your personal data in accordance with Art. 6 par. 2 letter a) GDPR. The legal basis is therefore the processing of personal data based on your consent, which was expressed by entering your email on the Artunio website.

Your rights: You can withdraw your processing consent at any time before the expiry of the period for which it was granted. Withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given prior to its withdrawal. You can revoke the consent in the way you gave it or you can contact us in the way you choose.

Retention period: 1 year after withdrawal of consent.

WARNING! In the event of withdrawal of consent, it will no longer be possible to send you a newsletter or e-mail messages with offers and information.

Purpose: implementation of fundraising campaigns, we process your data based on your consent to participate in our organized campaign.

Data: current personal data, e.g. title, name, surname, residential address, telephone number, e-mail address, billing information, financial amount, personal data related to the campaign.

Joint Operator: Public Benefit Corporation, Brooklyn, New York, 58 Kent Street, USA, email:,

Legal basis: pre-contractual and contractual relationship, we process your personal data in accordance with Art. 6 par. 1 letter b) GDPR. The legal basis is therefore the processing of personal data necessary contract execution, i.e. sending a voluntary contribution within the fundraising campaign.

Retention period: 5 years after the end of the contractual relationship.

Purpose: tax agenda – in the case of a service for fee or in the case you have participated in a fundraising campaign, we need your data in order to be able to fulfill our obligations as an Operator under the Income Tax Act and relevant tax regulations.

Data: current personal data, e.g. name, surname, billing address, telephone number, e-mail and payment details, contract price, or financial amount.

Legal basis: legal obligation, We process your personal data in accordance with Art. 6 par. 1 letter c) GDPR. The legal basis is therefore the fulfillment of the legal obligation of us as the Operator.

Processing period: 10 years from the date of termination of the contractual relationship.

Purpose: implementation of marketing through cookies, in the form of the use of advertising cookies and third-party cookies. We process your data to promote our Artunio project and to improve our services.

Data: personal data processed through cookies – advertising and third-party cookies,

Legal basis: consent – obtained through the settings of your browser, we process your personal data in accordance with Art. 6 par. 2 letter a) GDPR. The legal basis is therefore the processing of personal data based on of your consent.

Your rights: You can withdraw your processing consent at any time before the expiry of the period for which it was granted. Withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given prior to its withdrawal. You can revoke the consent in the way you gave it, i.e. through your browser.

Retention period: time period of consent.

Purpose: registration of exercised rights of concerned persons – We need your data in order to be able to register your incentives in accordance with the GDPR and the Act.

Data: current personal data, e.g. name, surname, address, telephone number, e-mail, payment details, scale of exercise of rights.

Legal basis: legal obligation, We process your personal data in accordance with Art. 6 par. 1 letter c) GDPR. The legal basis is therefore the fulfillment of the legal obligation of us as the Operator.

Processing time: 5 years from the date of resolution of concerned person request.

However, we adhere to the principle that we always process only the personal data of you we necessarily need.

III. Intermediaries and beneficiaries


  1. As the Operator, we declare that we use only intermediaries who provide sufficient guarantees, that they have taken and are taking appropriate technical and organizational measures so that the processing meets the requirements of the GDPR and the Act and that the protection of your rights as a concerned person is ensured.We will process your personal data in cooperation with our contractual partners, we currently cooperate mainly with the following companies:
  1. Google Ireland Limited, ID: 368047, Gordon House Barrow Street Dublin 4, D04E5W5 Ireland, Privacy Information:,
  2. Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbor Dublin 2, Ireland, social network operator Facebook and Instagram. Privacy information:,
  3. Hotjar,Hotjar Ltd.,Dragonara Business Centre,
    5th Floor, Dragonara Road,Paceville St Julian’s STJ 3141,Malta,Europe
  4. Besides the listed intermediaries, your personal data may be provided to our contractual partners in the position of external service providers (accounting, personal data protection, IT administration, etc.)
  5. Entities (beneficiaries) who comply with special laws, especially in the performance of control activities (for example, the tax office, supervisory authorities, etc.) have access to your personal data.
  6. Your personal data on the Artunio social network may be made available to third parties, depending on your settings, i.e. to what data you allow access to other Artunio users.

IV. Transfer to a third country or international organization

In the event that your personal data is transferred to a third country and / or an international organization as the Operator, we comply with all legislative measures in order to maintain the protection of your personal data.

V. Automated decision making, including profiling

As part of the processing of personal data, the operator implements automated decision-making through profiling in order to implement marketing through cookies.


VI. Cookies and IP address

We use cookies primarily to improve our services and your experience of browsing this website. “Cookies” are small amount of data (small data files) that are sent to your browser and stored on the hard drive of your computer or mobile device. If you do not deactivate or delete cookies, whenever you use the same browser or mobile device to access websites, our web servers will be informed of your visit on websites and then we will have knowledge of your visit and a pattern of how you behave on our websites. Cookies allow us to remember information so that you do not have to use it again each time you use the website. These cookies are used by most websites.

Cookies are used on the website as follows: 

  1. a) operational cookies: absolutely necessary for the functioning of the website,
  2. b) analytical cookies: measuring website traffic and generating statistics regarding traffic and user behavior on the Artunio social network,
  3. c) advertising cookies: customization of the advertisement and its targeting, if you have given your consent; it is so-called automated profiling in which we analyze your current personal data and activities in online environment, on the basis of what we can provide you with information that is interesting and relevant to you,
  4. d) third party cookies: retargeting, if you have given your consent.

Collection of cookies for the purposes mentioned in part a) cannot be considered as the processing of personal data, as these cookies are considered in the form of a bulk unit and thus in an anonymous form, which does not allow the identification of the individual.

Collection of cookies for the purposes mentioned in part b), part c) and part (d) can be considered as the processing of personal data as they are processed for the purpose of ad customization and targeting of advertising and for retargeting. This personal data is processed based on of your consent or based on your web browser settings. You give your consent for the period listed in the table below. Consent to the collection of cookie data for marketing purposes can be withdrawn at any time by changing the settings of the relevant Internet browser.

In addition, we also use cookies from social media. Some pages on our website allow you to share content via social media, such as Facebook. These websites create its own cookies, which we have no control over. To reject cookies, follow the instructions on their websites. In addition, these websites have their own privacy policy, which you will find on the particular websites.

You have the right to decide whether you want to accept or reject cookies. If you choose to set your browser elements to reject cookies, you may still use our websites, although your access to some features of our websites may be limited. Details of cookies can be found at this address:


Advertising cookies and third party cookies




Maximum processing time

Google Analytics 

Google Display Network Identification (Profiling)

according to settings or

the method of use of internet browser

Google Ads

Google Display Network Identification (Profiling), retargeting

540 days

Google Tag Manager

track and collect marketing data

540 days


track and collect marketing data

180 days

Facebook pixel

Facebook ad network identification, retargeting

180 days


Instagram ad network identification, retargeting

180 days

Cookies settings:

Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.) support cookie management. Within the settings of the web browser, you can manually delete individual cookies, block or completely prohibit their use, or block or allow them only for individual websites. In this case, however, we cannot guarantee that all parts of our sites will retain their assigned function.

You can delete all cookies stored on your computer and you can set most browsers to prevent them from being stored. However, in this case, you may need to manually adjust some settings each time you visit the website and some services and features will not work. In some browsers, you can set rules for the management of cookies of individual sites, thanks to which you will gain better control over the protection of your personal data. This means that you can disable the storage of cookies from all websites except those you trust. In the Help menu on the menu bar of most browsers, you will find instructions on how to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, how the browser should notify you when you receive a new cookies, and how to disable or delete cookies completely.

Instructions for blocking and deleting cookies from the most frequently used browsers:

Most internet browsers are initially set to automatically accept cookies. If you do not want to use cookies, you can change this setting by blocking cookies or by receiving notification in case cookies are to be sent to your device. If you use different devices to access the sites (e.g. computer, smartphone, tablet), we recommend that you adapt each browser on each device to your cookie preferences.

You can delete cookies individually or all at once in the browser, either directly (if you know where they are stored) or by using the browser.

Individual instructions can be found at:

  1. Mozilla:
  2. Chrome:
  3. Explorer:
  4. Opera:
  5. Safari:

You can find more information about the use of cookies by Google at:

Google privacy policy:

VII. Your rights – the rights of the person concerned (práva dotknutej osoby)

Right of access – you have the right to know what personal data we process about you, if you ask us, we have one month (if it is a difficult request, we have two months) to make the required information available to you.

Right to correct – if your data is out of the date (incomplete), you can request a correction or addition.

Right to withdraw consent – if you have given us consent, you can withdraw it at any time.

Right to erasure (right to be forgotten) – if possible, the law, contract or other legal basis allows us to do so, you have the right to ask us to erase your personal data, for example, if the personal data we have collected about you is no longer necessary. However, if we have certain legal and regulatory obligations, we will not be able to comply with your request.

Right to restrict processing – you can ask us not to use personal data or use it in a restricted mode, but not to delete it, for example if you think your personal data we hold may be inaccurate or if you think that we do not need to process your personal data anymore, but the situation needs to be verified and evaluated.

The right to file a complaint and to initiate personal data protection proceedings – if you think that we are processing your personal data unfairly or illegally, you can file a complaint with us through the above contacts or contact the supervisory authority, which is the Polish Data Protection Authority, Urząd Ochrony Danych Osobowych, ul. Stawki 2, 00-193 Warsaw, tel. + 48 22 531-03-00,

In Oravska Jasenica,  10.11.2021.

