V Artuniu sa zameriavame na vzdelávanie, marketing a vývoj digitálnych nástrojov pre svet umenia a kultúry!
Veríme, že s umením je svet lepšie miesto pre život.
Budovanie publika cez digitálne nástroje a sociálne siete je najrýchlejší spôsob ako dlhodobo rásť.
• Návrh a vytvorenie “content plánu”
• Prispôsobenie obsahu vašim aktivitám
• Tvorba nového originálneho obsahu
Vzdelávajte sa cez pravidelné aktivity v oblasti financovania, manažmentu, budovania publika a iných tém.
• Online kurzy vo forme vzdelávacích videí
• Webináre so skúsenými lektormi na špecifickú tému
• Konzultácie zamerané na konkrétne riešenie pre vašu organizáciu a umelcov
• Edukačno-networkingové podujatia pre umelcov, organizácie a širokú verejnosť
Vyvíjame digitálne nástroje a sociálnu sieť, ktorá by bola určená pre špecifické potreby organizácií, umelcov a ich publiká.
• Nové možnosti, ako budovať svoje publikum online
• Nový spôsob zdieľania informácií a aktualít so svojím publikom
• Len umelecký, kultúrny a kreatívny obsah
Fixed rate for all bookings for artists we promote.
Effective promotion by our booking coordinators to 100 + festivals.
Promoted to curated festivals and events that fit your price, preference and schedule.
Great option for your manager, producer or booking agency.
Your pricing and schedule availability are visible only to verified promoters.
Professional networking profile for your promotion.
Unfortunately, we are currently not adding artists to our list for Artunio Pro+
“Finally a social network dedicated to the arts and artists. With the Artunio features I will be closer to my audience and able to perform my music around the world!”
“Finally a social network dedicated to the arts and artists. With the Artunio features I will be closer to my audience and able to perform my music around the world!”
Vincen GarcíaElectric bass player – Spain
“Artunio is a special project with great potential – to finally create an opportunity for artists to share without being urged to compromise their work.”
Andrej ŠtepitaDancer, Performer – Austria Salzburg
“Artunio offers a fundamental solution to the arts by simplifying the tools around us. Looking for opportunity and connectivity? This is that one stop shop we’ve all been waiting for.”
Jason Yap Performer, Producer, Podcaster – Malaysia
“When I first heard about Artunio, I though to myself: ” That is exactly what I and a lot of my friends are looking for.” A place where where I can simultaneously connect with my audience and promote work that I love.” I think it is a great idea and it would help artists to internationalize their careers.”
RadushkoMulti-instrumentalist, music producer and Dj – London UK