Art supporting communities with amazing features

Artists and art lovers all love the same thing, and now we will be closer than ever!

No likes, just be yourself and impact others

• Impact over likes – artistic work cannot be perceived with the number of likes, you will instead be able to let artists know how you were impacted

• Let an artist know if their work left you educated, inspired, moved or simply all of it!

• Express your true self – no need to follow ridiculous rules, trends and compromise who you are just to fit the grid

Closer interactions between artists and audience

• Chat groups – communicate with your favorite artists on a more personal level

• Communicate your projects and creative process with your audience and fellow artists

• Supportive and open culture – art is a universal language for people from all backgrounds and cultures worldwide. Feel free to express yourself

Learn, share and grow with like-minded communities

• Learn – Meet and learn from the the best artists and exchange great ideas

• Share – Share your discoveries with one particular artist or your whole community

• Supportive and open culture – art is a universal language for people from all backgrounds and cultures worldwide. Feel free to express yourself

The campaign is live!